Monday, July 28, 2008

Pantry Update...

If you buy items in bulk for your pantry and are concerned about them keeping here are a few recommendations.

1. Sealed Glass or Plastic Containers - What you are mainly looking for is something with an airtight lid. I use glass jars for my flour, sugars and rice, then have them out on a shelf in my kitchen. My mom uses Tupperware for her sugar and keeps it in a cabinet to free up counter space. You could even use Ziploc bags.

2. Refrigerator - Some items advise that they should be refrigerated after opening, but I think it a good rule of thumb that when in doubt put it in the fridge. I live in the Midwest where the summers can get very hot and the winters can get very cold, extremes are not a friend to food. So for example if I have a bag of flour and know I won't use all of it any time soon, I'll seal it in an airtight container and put it in the refrigerator. Just remember to bring it up to room temperature before using, especially if you are going to bake with it.

1 comment:

leah - moxiethrift on etsy said...

hey. those were helpful tips. and it appears i am doing all sorts of things wrong. will correct and be healthy and smart with my goods.